July 24, 2014

  • Thank Someone for Thursday!

    Thursday is the best day because it's all about the anticipation of Friday.

    By Friday you're all anticipated-out and beginning to think about what you're going to do on Saturday which becomes very stressful.

    Saturday you try to sleep in but are abruptly awoken at 6AM by the garbage truck, the kid playing basketball in the street, or the guy with the leaf blower (in JULY? Where are the leaves in July?)

    Sunday morning you're filled with weary disappointment because you didn't accomplish anything on Saturday (or you accomplished too much and spent time in custody).

    Sunday evening you're worrying about Monday.

    And Monday, well, you know Monday.

    So, like I said, Thursday is the best day.
    Enjoy it while it's here.
    Thank you.


    ----------------- Ed Kaz